It’s another glorious morning, friends – Disney+ just released the first Hocus Pocus 2 trailer! And while I’m sitting here internally squealing with delight (Halloween is my favorite holiday, after all), I had to share with you a few notable moments in the trailer that caught my eye. Officially streaming on Disney+ September 30, 2022, I feel like it’s my birthday today. Let’s dig in.

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Let’s Start with the Hocus Pocus 2 Trailer
Coming in at 1 minute, 2o seconds, the trailer begins with a crow flying over a body of water. We’re then introduced to the three teen characters: Cassie, Becca, & Izzy. It’s Becca’s birthday (Halloween? Lucky!), and Cassie asks her what her pans are.
Becca’s response puts out the premise of the move – “Birthday ritual, scary movie marathon, same as every year.”
It then takes us on a quick look at how the Sanderson Sisters are resurrected via the black flame candle, we hear Winnie yelling “Lock up your children!”, and then it shows a couple of seconds of the sisters in a bar
But did you happen to see the Easter eggs in the trailer? Here’s what we’ve found so far.
Hauntingly Familiar Music
My favorite song in the original Hocus Pocus movie was “Come Little Children”. Sung by Sarah Sanderson, aka Sarah Jessica Parker, it’s beautiful in a haunting way. While on her broom, she convinces the children of Salem to head to her house, now the Sanderson Sister Museum.
The Hocus Pocus 2 trailer begins with a rendition of “Come Little Children”. While it’s slowed down and mostly a piano with a ton of echo, it’s definitely there.
Same High School

From what we can see, the exterior of Jacob Bailey High is back. The girls are heading out of class for the day.
Same Chant, New Film
Remember when Thackery Binx was turned into a black cat for trying to save his sister? The same chant, itch-it-a-cop-it-a Mel-a-ka-mystica is spoken, it sounds like Mary & Sarah Sanderson doing the talking.
The Book
Oh yeah, it makes a grand return in Hocus Pocus 2. Shaking on a shelf, you know what happens when the eye opens – trouble!

Billy’s Butcherson’s Grave
I had to watch this scene a couple of times, but it’s there – William Butcherson’s grave. A shovel is stuck directly into the ground in front of the tombstone.
A Black Cat
With Binx the cat being such a prominent character in the original, I was hoping to see a return of a black cat in this movie. I’m not sure what the cat’s role is at this point, but it may be a witch’s familiar.
Black Flame Candle

Of course it’s back! If you think about it, the original Hocus Pocus never did explain what happened to it. It was simply lit and chaos starts from there. Without the candle, the Sanderson Sisters would be unable to return.
Bartender Costume
This is a really good Easter egg in tribute to the original Hocus Pocus from 1993 – Check out the bar scene at the 1:11 marker. Next, check out the bartender’s costume. It’s the singer from the Town Hall Halloween party in the first movie!
Well done, Disney.
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